Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dex, really? Raise the Bar & Grill AGAIN?!?!?!?!?!

Phone books came today. It seems that dex doesn’t know everything – and it looks like I’ll be getting questions for Raise the Bar & Grill for the next year.  So, in answer to those questions I’ll get on my personal cell phone (sigh) here is a quick reference:

No, we don’t have live music on weeknights.

No, we aren’t hiring bartenders right now but would you like to join a neat triathlon team?

Yes, we would like to buy a block of Thunderbirds tickets and want the ones that come with free beer

Yes, we do need pint glasses – check back with me in June

Yes, we can time your beer-guzzling contest.  Would you like chip-timing and a finish line?

Posted via email from raisethebar's posterous

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