Submitted by Patty Swedberg.....
What in the world is going on around here? I drove by the same gas station 4 times in the last 2 days and EVERY time gas was cheaper. If I had waited to fill my tank today instead of Tuesday, I would have saved $5.60. On the other hand, I'm hearing from different team members - my friends - that they've been laid off - or have postponed their retirements - or are asking their kids to reconsider which college to go to.
I am no economist. I don't understand the intricacies of what's happening in our economy, so I rely on the people around me whom I trust and who really DO understand all this. And they're telling me that it's going to get rougher before it gets better. We're all going to feel the strain and ugliness of our world's current economy.
I had the privilege of speaking to a Rotary group last week. And as I prepared, I found myself wrestling not with a presentation but with the direction and responsibility of Raise the Bar in 2009.
I told the Rotarians that I am a businesswoman who owns a non-essential Business. This is absolutely true. The world would not crumble if Raise the Bar folded. The world does not rely on triathletes racing around. And anyway, people would still be able to swim/bike/run if they wanted to without RTB complicating things. They could still train together, and enter races without RTB behind them. No snazzy blue/green uniforms maybe, but participate nonetheless.
Well.... while I do believe that RTB isn't essential, I in no way think of it as unimportant. I used to... I used to think my work and this business was pretty fluffy and insignificant. But over the years that we've been raising the bar, athletes have been sharing their experiences with us - and they are powerful.....
"My #1 favorite moment of the race wasn't the finish line. It was when I came through the park for my second loop on the run and heard a thunderous cheer and what sounded like all 131 members of the team yelling my name - I have never felt so amazing in my life as I ran through the yelling mob and someone stuck out their hand for a high five. I felt like a rockstar and nothing can take away that feeling Not my time, not my frustration of having to walk my bike up a hill, not my frustration at not being able to run....nothing!" -TM, 40.
"When I dealt with my fears about doing a triathlon, a stronger person came out the other side. A more confident, assured person. And that person didn't just become a better triathlete - I became a better mom and wife and employee too." - TN, 35
"I imagined Raise the Bar not being around anymore. And I realized it would be a real loss - I would miss it and the connections I've made with other athletes and friends because of it" AM, 50
There are many more of these little testimonies that I've stashed away that speak to the power of participating in triathlon and being part of this team. And so it makes me ask an important question of myself and this business. If I listen to my teammates and believe that their lives (like my own) really are a little bit better because of the sport, then don't I have the responsibility, really, to make it affordable for all of us to participate in this non-essential, recreational past time?
So Kathy and I and those smart folks that we trust to help us have rolled up our sleeves and are making some real progress this fall on ways to make next year a little easier on all of us. Being on the team in 2009 is going to cost less. Getting into a uniform and entering races is going to cost less. And while we might not be able to give you as much free stuff, we are going to introduce some nice new benefits. What benefits? Well, feel free to ask us when you see us, but don't look for the ideas online just yet. We're refining!
I don't take enough opportunities to tell the RTB members - our extended family - just how much your companionship means. I know I can speak for Kathy too - our lives are richer for being a part of this community, and we're very grateful for it and for you.
Now go outside and get sweaty - as far as I can tell, that's still free!
I'm looking forward to 2009. Even as money gets tight, the little glimp I got of RTB and RTH has me firmly beliving that it will be worth every penny :D!!
I personally do not look at you, Patty as a non essential business woman. I think you are an inspiration to many. I'm proud to be part of your team and also look forward to 2009. I'm still recruiting some of my friends to join as well.I love being involved with people who are supportive and also into health and fitness. Your team is one of my favorite things. With money being tighter I would probally have to give up something else before I would give up RTB
"Non essential business women" isn't that statement considered an oxy-moron. You and your creation/business is over-whelmingly inspiring and that is PRICELESS...
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