Monday, January 12, 2009

Freaky Things are Happening

Sometimes life throws little weird occurances your way....

1. Lindy Hafner, not only a member of the RTB team, but also a member of our women's group Raise the Hope, completed the Goofy Challenge last weekend in Orlando - finishing a 5K on Friday, a Half Marathon on Saturday, and a Full Marathon on Sunday. Today, she is frolicking at Disney World.

I don't even know how to address that.... I thought Raise the Bar encouraged balanced, reasonable athletic endeavors. Apparently some cog has slipped in the system.
2. Between January 1st and January 15th (the day registration opens for our 2009 team), there are officially NO members of Raise the Bar. The team simply doesn't exist. In light of this, we had 25 runners show up for a team run on January 3rd and 42 (WHAT?) folks show up for a team swim and aquajog at Covington Aquatic on January 10th.
Here we were all worried that with the crappy economy no one would come and play in triathlon land this year. We lowered registration fees, we upped the benefits..... I'm fairly certain 2009 is going to kick 2008's _______. And I'm even slightly fairly more certain that RTB in 2009 is going to kick......oh never mind.
3 Days till registration. Don't miss the boat!!

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