Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Cathy Christian's Danskin Race Report

This was my 6th Danskin, 4th in a row. Last year was pretty darned terrific, but this year was the best. I realized I am a veteran Danskin triathlete. (Okay, so it took me 6 times!) I relished sharing with Jan Mayes where to take her wetsuit off before running up the grass for T1. I knew how to use the fence as part of my transition area. I was practiced and prepared and quite ready.

Listening to (and reading) everyone’s post race stories, I lamented that I didn’t have any stories to tell. Sure, I had to swim through pods of breast strokers (I did that stroke my first Danskin), a woman's underseat bike bag broke open and scattered its contents right in front of me and I had to dodge left and almost crashed into another bike, and I had no time to practice on my new aerobars.

Turns out that, for me, having no stories is the story! My personal plan was to accept whatever happened as 'just what it is.' Everything that occurred to me was part of my Danskin experience.

When I rode up the hill I yelled “Good for me” three times. When I went 7 mph on I-90 I figured I would make it up by going 30 on the way back (love my new aerobars!). When I tried to make my legs trot faster they wouldn’t. They were in that groove and they weren’t going to go faster. That’s just the way it was. The Universe conspired for me, and everything worked the way it is supposed to work for me – steady and consistent. And fun! I finished in the middle of my new age group, and adjusting for the swim difference (wasn't last year's swim shorter?), my time was about the same as last year. Good for me!!!

(Another example of the Universe; As I stood in the staging area with my swim cap on, I ran into a woman who, two years ago, gave me the support I needed at a crucial moment (I was crying as we stood waiting, feeling quite alone that year) - I even remembered her name! What a wonderful moment that was for me.)

I didn't do the Danskin alone. I was fortunate to be with a generous group of women who were each having their own Danskin experience, and we did it together.

Danskin is unique; it is an experience. It is not your normal triathlon. It is for women by women to celebrate women. I thought this would be my last Danskin, but now I’m not so sure. I think I needed to renew the perspective on living your life with joy that no other triathlon provides. And no other triathlon should – that privilege belongs to Danskin.

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